Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Flag Football champs

Nate and his friends played in the Murray High School alumni flag tournament on Saturday. They were really intense about it, having a couple of practices and planning all of their plays in the weeks before.
All of us wives secretly were a little concerned that they might not do as great as they were expecting (they are almost 30 and playing much younger guys). I have to apologize for doubting their flag football skills, though, because they won every game!!!
Good job guys, either you're super good at flag football, or you were the only ones to take the time to practice. Probably a little of both.


The Hoods said...

That sounds fun, Matt would love to get into a football tournament thing. Those boys love that stuff!!

Jamie said...

These pics are so cute. I hope you don't mind if I steal some. These guys are so funny. They are so serious about their sports. Heaven help us during football season.

It was fun to see you and get a chance to hang out. Cafe Rio has never tasted so good to me.

Julie Knowlton said...

I am (kind of) sorry I missed all the games, but I loved seeing everyone so much that weekend. Again soon, please?

P.S. Remember when we doubted our husbands?