Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My favorite Valentine...

How long have you been married?
5 1/2 years. We got married June 29th, 2002 in the Seattle temple.

How long did you date?
We met in October, 2001. Nate came up to me on BYU campus and pulled the "do I know you from somewhere?" line. I think I was preoccupied with studying because even though I gave him my name and apartment number, I didn't remember him when he came to my apartment 2 weeks later. I asked "do you just randomly knock on girls apartments?" He was still brave enough to ask me out and we ended up seeing eachother every night after that. It was so easy, so natural. He was the nicest guy I had ever met, no drama at all. We got engaged March 15th, so we dated about 5 months, and then were engaged for another 3 months.

How old is he?
He will be 28 in April. 2 years older than me.

Who eats more?
Nate definitely eats more, like 3 times more than I do. It's not that I don't eat, I do. But he roofs all day and has an extremely fast metabolism. I don't think he could gain weight if he tried.

Who said "I love you" first?

I said it first, and then Nate said "I love you alot" (like from Dumb and Dumber).

Who is taller?

He's taller than me by about 6 or 7 inches.

Who sings better?

Definitely Nate, I can't sing. I can't read music either. I hate trying to sing unfamiliar songs in relief society because I have no idea what the next note is, yeah it probably sounds pretty sad.

Who is smarter?

We are always arguing about this. In reality we are pretty comparable, but I always beat him at scrabble and then try to convince him that it's because I'm the smarter one.

Who does the dishes?

Nate's pretty good about doing the dishes after I cook a meal. But, I do my share of dishes. Probably half and half.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?

I do, and no matter where we sleep (even in a tent) I still have to sleep on the right side. I think it's because when I'm pregnant I sleep on my left side and I hate facing someone while I'm sleeping, the breathing on eachother thing bugs me.

Who pays the bills?

Nate does, and he's great at it. I spend the money and he pays the bills. I think it's a good deal.

Who mows the lawn?

Nate does, I've never mowed a lawn in my life.

Who cooks dinner?

I do, and we like to eat at 5:00 as soon as Nate gets home.

Who is more stubborn?

Me, definitely me, I'm a red personality for sure. Nate's blue.

Who kissed who first?

Nate kissed me, I think. It was a good kiss, though :)

Who asked who out?

Nate asked me out (refer to question 1)

Who proposed?

Nate proposed on March 15th, 2002 at his parents house. He had 4 dozen pink roses and music on. He asked me to dance and then after the song proposed. I was actually really surprised because it was sooner than I thought he would propose.

Who has more friends?

I think it's probably about the same, but I have more close friends than he does. I think that's a boy/girl difference.

Who has more siblings?

Nate wins, with 6 (almost 7 with a new brother being adopted this spring). I have 5 kids in my family, we both have big families.

Who will I tag? Hmmm.... I think I would love to hear more about Natalie, Kirsten, and T.


Natalie said...

I'll have to see if I can dig up half as many fun pictures as you did. It's fun seeing pictures of you and Nate in the younger days. :)

Lisa said...

That was fun to read and see the cute pictures of you and Nate. I wish you guys were up here closer to us than down at the beginning of the subdivision.

Jennifer Never said...

Look at your long hair!! I really like it long and am noticing you are growing it out now. You guys look like you were physically made for eachother you're so cutie cutie.

Jennifer Never said...
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briggsy said...

How fun was it to read your romantic history? I went to the next blog down & had to laugh, since just today, I was on Old buying McKray some swimmies. As I was at check out, I read that card holders could get free shipping if they spent $100 or more. So, do you think I showed self-restraint? NOPE! I bought McKray a bunch of summer clothes & a couple of baby gifts. So, you are not alone! Darcy

V and Co. said...

very cute! cute cute cute!